Thursday, January 15, 2015

Sidekick #2 - Two Months

Yay for two posts in one week!  I'm on a roll with these monthly updates ~ let's hope I can keep it going till I'm caught up :)  And of course, Sidekick #1 will be getting his own update soon, too.  But anyways, here we go!

Month Two was about same ol', same ol' in our household.  Highlights for Sidekick #2 though, include his gorgeous smile being revealed to us ~ and the expressions got kicked into high gear!  On the downside, our apartment was getting worse . . . and mold was starting to grow!!

We moved out in June, shortly after he turned two months, and into my mom's basement ~ and began the tedious process of negotiating moving terms with lawyers in regards to our lease.  Oh and I got a job offer that month as well!  Yup, same ol, same ol haha. 

Continue after the link for the pics and more details ;)


The above collage looks more like a Sidekick #1 collage - but oh well, it's not like he wasn't around for the fun ;)  Shortly after S#2 turned one month, we went to the local Children's Museum, and though I planned on wearing him some more, he was already getting to big for a wrap, and preferred to be against HeroPapa (aren't babywearing Papa's awesome?!).  Oh, and the trampoline pic at the top middle is S#1 in my mom's basement - we ended up being there for almost six weeks!

In the end of May, we celebrated Uncle #3's birthday, though S#2 slept through most of it on Oma ;) 
The middle left pic is me wearing S#2 for another quick stroll through our apartment complex, with S#1 trying to help a Mama out by pushing the buttons haha.  The bottom left pic is S#1 playing in his room for one of the last times, before his room flooded too :(

Top left pics are some of those great expression pictures ;)  And the bottom left are my gorgeous menfolk lounging on the couch, with S#2 passed out like a broken doll.  Right side of the collage is S#2 getting baptized in our church.  The UU's call it a naming ceromony, and we were blessed to have HeroPapa's Dad and Stepmom there to join us :)

Here's a great collage, of Grandpa and Grandma visiting us when S#2 was almost two months.  We had a great time with them, and took them on a tour of the apartments (because we were still hoping they'd be able to fix it - but we moved out two weeks later :P).  And we even went and visited some extended family as well . . . we tuckered this kid out!!  All of these pics are him passed out lol.

Can't help but add a few more pics of that flood D:  This was seriously like the third or fourth time in six weeks :/  You can see the mold growing in the middle pic there @-@  Ugh, I'll just move on to the great little expressions S#2 started to sport ~ he definitely kept my spirits up through the crazy :)  And of course who doesn't love Grandpa cuddling with a baby?? (bottom left pic)

Cute little Sidekick #2 . . . how can you really be sad for long, looking at that cute face?  He still loved snuggling on me plenty, and very often, I was situated with both my babies on either side, while still pretending I could get things done like budgeting and meal planning on the computer, ha!  But still worth it . . . every minute of my amazing sons are worth it!  And who can resist the site of HeroPapa and Sidekick #2 snuggling in our bed? <3

The above two pics are our family photos taken right after S#1 turned one month old.  We went with one of those themed photography places (in fact, the same one I used to take these Mother's Day pics with Sidekick #1).  It's quickly becoming a tradition to get a themed photo, but I was surprised to find out that HeroPapa was willing to dress up right along side us :D  He really doesn't like to wear costumes of any sort, but I guess our kids are wearing him down haha.  We even got to get one with Uncle #2 in it, since he had come with us to the Mall of America. 

The top right pic, is me walking the boys around again in the apartment complex before we moved out (told ya I really enjoyed walking them!).  And there's S#2 wrapped up in his footed onesie quite by accident, but somehow content about it . . . and of course, napping on HeroPapa, while S#1 looks on with smiles.  And finally, the last photo of the collages . . . a sleeping baby, practically perfect in every way (okay, so I'm biased, but whatever!)


To catch up on Sidekick #2's progress so far, click on the link:
Month One

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