(also, just FYI, all links in this post, open in a new window)
But I did want to share some thoughts on Mother's Day: the day has never really held as much stance with me, as it seemed with others. I just figured you should spend every day, loving your mother, and being grateful to her. But HeroPapa said it best, "Mother's Day isn't making an even bigger deal about you per se, we'll just celebrate the blessing we have, of getting to be parents to this little-big guy here" (and points to our son) <-- which should tell you how uncomfortable I felt about celebrating Mother's Day, that this was only way to convince me ;)
So off we went to church (I love the fellowship there!), listened to a wonderful guest speaker, and then went on to the Mall of America were I planned to spend my first Mother's Day with a baby-of-mine in arms, spending money on my son and buying him things (haha, is there any other way to spend Mother's Day?). BUT then we passed an old time photo studio (link), and I was just curious to see . . . if they would have a renaissance costume in his size, because it's an inside joke at this point, that our son kind of-sorta-really looks like Henry the 8th (link)
And they had the costume! It's been a really long journey to get a costume photo of anybody beside myself (poor HeroPapa just can't stand the idea ~ and there are literally years where I'd buy the couple costumes for Halloween, and he would never wear his part: blah! Here's an actually really old tumblr post - posted April of last year - about that subject, haha). And instead of buying random baby stuff, we got photos done :D This was such a special surprise for me, and I hope Sidekick goes for it for a few more years, before he decides he doesn't like it like his Papa ;)
So here we are . . . my top three (out of 31) pictures <3
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Click to make bigger! I love the last one, as if I'm saying, "But hunnyyy this is fun!", and he's like, "No Ma, it isn't" :P |
But no Mother's Day post would be really complete without reflecting about my AngelBaby (sidenote: there are so many mothers who don't have a child in their arms, and so what is a day of celebration for most, can sadly be a tragic reminder for others). I know last year, the only way I survived Mother's Day after my miscarriage, was because I was already pregnant with Sidekick (two and a half months). As always, he helped me to focus on the blessings I still had, and didn't allow me to get lost in my sorrows for long. However, it's days like today, that I think more than ever, how there should have been two. In these photos, there should have been two babies on my lap. I still miss my AngelBaby, and carry him/her with me wherever I go.
I am still so blessed though, and that's what I try to remember as well: Happy Mother's Day to all mothers!
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