Can you believe it's been five YEARS since I've posted in this blog??
I am so sorry for "moving" on without saying a proper goodbye ~ LOTS has happened in these last five years - some concerning health issues, lots of moves, job/career changes, my boys needed some extra help in school with speech therapy, and OT, I'm the president of the local MOMS Club chapter, I reverted to my Catholic Faith, etc., etc., . . . basically a little bit of everything!
I just started a lifestyle blog, The Bohemian Catholic, two months ago. It's all about empowering women to become their authentic selves through self discovery, green living, and seeing how boho spirituality and Catholicism isn't all that different. There's even a few pictures of my oh so grown boys (including the ever handsome hubby) on my introduction post.
So if you'd like to "catch up", please come check it out and I look forward to seeing you ;)Sincerly,
HeroMama aka Katharina
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Thursday, August 27, 2015
My poor neglected little blog . . .
I haven't posted since January . . . that's a whopping eight months. And even then, I was just trying to catch up and give poor Sidekick #2 some undivided attention with monthly posts (and yup, I still plan on doing this!). But let me give a quick glance update as I spend the next few weeks making this blog a priority!!
- We still live in the frozen tundra called Minnesota, but are hoping to buy a house in the new year!
- Sidekick #1 will be THREE in November, and Sidekick #2 is 16 MONTHS (they look like such big boys lately <3)
- There has definitely been some adjustments going from a SAHM, to WAHM mom, and I still feel like we are trying to find the right balance to everything (age old question: can we have it all??)
- There's been some health concerns for some of my immediate family members, so understandably I've been pretty distracted by that, too
- I've been neglectful of practically every social media field out there (tumblr, pinterest, Facebook, RP's, etc.). Life, what can I say? But at least it's not like I'm only neglecting the family blog . . . I'm neglecting everything social (wait, that's not much better) :(
^ and I definitely don't like it! I'm a social butterfly, so now that things are settling down a bit, I hope to make this blog what it should be - monthly updates, with Sidekick's growth progresses, and a way for family to connect again <3
See you all soon!
- We still live in the frozen tundra called Minnesota, but are hoping to buy a house in the new year!
- Sidekick #1 will be THREE in November, and Sidekick #2 is 16 MONTHS (they look like such big boys lately <3)
- There has definitely been some adjustments going from a SAHM, to WAHM mom, and I still feel like we are trying to find the right balance to everything (age old question: can we have it all??)
- There's been some health concerns for some of my immediate family members, so understandably I've been pretty distracted by that, too
- I've been neglectful of practically every social media field out there (tumblr, pinterest, Facebook, RP's, etc.). Life, what can I say? But at least it's not like I'm only neglecting the family blog . . . I'm neglecting everything social (wait, that's not much better) :(
^ and I definitely don't like it! I'm a social butterfly, so now that things are settling down a bit, I hope to make this blog what it should be - monthly updates, with Sidekick's growth progresses, and a way for family to connect again <3
See you all soon!
Monday, January 19, 2015
Sidekick #2 - Three Months
Whoot for getting through these blog updates consistently ;)
Here's Sidekick #2 at three months . . . his last as a newborn!!
We knew we were done with having babies, so I really wanted to just enjoy the snuggles while I could. Relax, and take in all those newborn moments - the coos, the sighs, and the first laughs. Of course, my patience and resolve were tested with the stress from our apartment. And then the move into my mom's ~ but we tried to appreciate all the little moments our little surprise brought to us :)
Click to read more (and see plenty of pics).
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Sidekick #2 - Two Months
Month Two was about same ol', same ol' in our household. Highlights for Sidekick #2 though, include his gorgeous smile being revealed to us ~ and the expressions got kicked into high gear! On the downside, our apartment was getting worse . . . and mold was starting to grow!!
We moved out in June, shortly after he turned two months, and into my mom's basement ~ and began the tedious process of negotiating moving terms with lawyers in regards to our lease. Oh and I got a job offer that month as well! Yup, same ol, same ol haha.
Continue after the link for the pics and more details ;)
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Sidekick #2 - One Month
Yup, I was originally planning (and hoping) that we'd be able to do a monthly post update with S#2, just like we had with S#1. Except we had two under two, and kids who hate sleep, and a flood in our apartment, and another move, and then the overtime from heck for HeroPapa, and then the new job for me, and blahblahblabbityblah. Point is, I figured I'd at least do a massive update all at once. Though we had to do that twice with S#1, jumbling together a few months together to cover the information, was I really going to be able to lump NINE MONTHS into one blog post??
I feel like S#2 deserves better than being lumped :S
So I am doing one month at a time!
BUT I'm hoping to do several a week till we are caught up! I got the pictures organized, and just need to collage them and then write up a post . . . easy enough, right? :)
So onto the good stuff!!
Click for more (68) pics <3
Monday, December 8, 2014
New Blog Graphics
They certainly aren't professional grade blog graphics, but they ain't half bad if I do say so myself ~ I'll be editing the pages in the sidebar heavily over the next few days - but just wanted to say, that I haven't forgotten about this blog! I'd been working on the graphics for a while, trying to revamp the style, and I have a ton of blog posts getting drafted soon.
All the while, dealing with teething babies, and sleepless nights (sleep deprivation anyone??). Plus HeroPapa working overtime for weeks, and both he and I getting a combined 60 hours of training for our jobs D: Ugh, to say I'm exhausted would be an understatement! But, I am definitely excited for things to get a bit settled again, and to *finally* work on my house. I mean, I've been here since August, and there are still SO.MANY.BOXES DD:
Today is HeroPapa and mine's 10 year anniversary <3 We've been married for seven, parents for two years, and I am so blessed to have such a wonderful partner. And even though we are both too exhausted to do much of anything this year, we are looking forward to our first Christmas as a family of four <333
I feel horrible though about not having been able to work on Sidekick #2's monthly updates. He's almost eight months, and I haven't done ONE :/ I really hope to come back with a bang, and get one done in a few days, as well as give a quick update about Sidekick #1.
Until then, here's a pic to tease you with of things to come :)
![]() |
Could they be any cuter?? :) |
Monday, October 13, 2014
Eek . . . October
Yup, it's been almost half.a.year since I've posted last.
Shame on me . . . but I promise it's not because I haven't wanted to!
So, to offer up a (way-too-super-quick) update (and with promises that a picture update is coming soon!), here's a few highlights:
1.) we moved . . . yup. Again! Have you heard about the floods in Minnesota thanks to that long winter, and that freeze into the ground that's like double than norm? Well, our beautiful basement apartment flooded. Several times. And black mold was growing in it! And the leasing office wanted us to move out before they'd do anything besides removing the drywall, so we got lawyers involved because we really didn't want to move again. But at the end of the day, our patience was rewarded . . . becauseeeeeee
2.) I got a job! Yup, the same week we found we had to move, I was offered an executive position to work with my youngest brother. The best part (besides bringing in an income), is I get to work from home. I'll definitely be elaborating on this some more in a later post, but we are hoping to pay down all those moving debts asap and the credit cards, and the car, and the student loans (those are the big ones!)
3.) Thanks to the new income, we can afford an actual home to rent (hoping to buy it within a year!). My active little guys love the backyard! I'll be sure to share pictures of the home as soon as I can, too :)
4.) And finally, Sidekick #1 is turning TWO next month (eek!), and yesterday, Sidekick #2 turned six months (holy heck!). I can't wait to share pictures with you guys asap!
Hopefully soon <3
(I'll be working on pics tomorrow, and have a few posts in the works - as well as updating the graphics and info pages on the blog - can't wait to share the new layout and look).
Thanks for keeping up with us, and I'll be sure to return the favor by posting again soon :)
Shame on me . . . but I promise it's not because I haven't wanted to!
So, to offer up a (way-too-super-quick) update (and with promises that a picture update is coming soon!), here's a few highlights:
1.) we moved . . . yup. Again! Have you heard about the floods in Minnesota thanks to that long winter, and that freeze into the ground that's like double than norm? Well, our beautiful basement apartment flooded. Several times. And black mold was growing in it! And the leasing office wanted us to move out before they'd do anything besides removing the drywall, so we got lawyers involved because we really didn't want to move again. But at the end of the day, our patience was rewarded . . . becauseeeeeee
2.) I got a job! Yup, the same week we found we had to move, I was offered an executive position to work with my youngest brother. The best part (besides bringing in an income), is I get to work from home. I'll definitely be elaborating on this some more in a later post, but we are hoping to pay down all those moving debts asap and the credit cards, and the car, and the student loans (those are the big ones!)
3.) Thanks to the new income, we can afford an actual home to rent (hoping to buy it within a year!). My active little guys love the backyard! I'll be sure to share pictures of the home as soon as I can, too :)
4.) And finally, Sidekick #1 is turning TWO next month (eek!), and yesterday, Sidekick #2 turned six months (holy heck!). I can't wait to share pictures with you guys asap!
Hopefully soon <3
(I'll be working on pics tomorrow, and have a few posts in the works - as well as updating the graphics and info pages on the blog - can't wait to share the new layout and look).
Thanks for keeping up with us, and I'll be sure to return the favor by posting again soon :)
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