Monday, October 7, 2013

Ten & Eleven Months

Well well well . . . why exactly did I skip the ten month blog update?  Uh, for a lot of reasons!  Saying I was busy would be an understatement, but I'll just let you read on, and see what exactly has been going on with us in the last two months (including a special little announcement!) :)

But first the stats!  

The month of August and September have been filled with lots of changes for our family.  Our lease was expiring, and we opted to go month to month, while we planned on saving up for that house that we've been dreaming about for a while now.  We got the good news that we qualify with our income, but we need that credit score to be just a bit higher.  

But while we planned on slowly putting things in storage, we were met with another problem: bats.  Plural.  Yes, in our apartment!  To read about our first experience with bats, click here (tab opens in a new window).  Once again, there was a bat by our son, that came through a tear it made in our windows screen.  We did not see this bat, but found its nest after having been gone for a weekend, in a corner with feces and urine on the walls (eek!!).  Then two days later, HeroPapa was having a 3AM formula run and had come back, climbing the steps to our floor, when a bat flew out towards him and chased him back down to the second floor! 

Time to move for us!  We gave our notice right after, and I packed myself and Sidekick up and moved into my Mother's home an hour south, in the beginning of September.  HeroPapa is still putting things and storage, since we don't know when exactly we'll have a house.  Between that and his job, we only get to see him on the weekends :(  We miss him terribly, but luckily, he'll be joining us at the end of the month.  Of course, though we'll be glad to have him, a two hour commute (total) is quite the drive, but at least it'll motivate us to get into a house as soon as possible (though it wasn't like we weren't motivated before!). 

Also, on September 23rd, my Mom was driving, I was in the passenger seat, and Sidekick was in the center back seat, when we got t-boned.  The curtain airbag went off and hit me, but luckily Sidekick was 100% fine.  I was taken to the hospital though in an ambulance because my leg was deeply bruised, and . . . here comes the announcement: because I'm pregnant!!  First off, the baby is a-okay, and the next day, we had our scheduled NT scan which also showed a perfect little baby growing right on track <3  I'm fourteen weeks today, and our baby is due the 6th of April.  

I was very grateful that they checked me out right away at the ER, and reassuring me that our baby was still alive.  My babies were safe and sound, and though my recovery has been a bit slow (some various bruising from my shoulder, down to my knee - which looks the worst), I am recovering, and really, it could have been so much worse!  The only other thing we've been battling is me needing to get back on Zofran for my nausea and vomiting.  But I haven't had to get any IV's yet, like I did with Sidekick, so hopefully this pregnancy will continue to be a smidge easier.

Also, because of our housing situation, and because Sidekick seemed to be having a mild allergic reaction to Anubis (our Pomeranian), we found a new home for him on the 21st of September.  We found an amazing home for him with an older lady (and her son) who had lost their beloved Pomeranian to old age, back in June.  They knew all about those tendencies of a small lap dog, and he was going to be spoiled rotten!  I've had periodic updates to ensure how he's doing and so far, so good!  He will always be the dog who gave me the best therapy after my miscarriage, and so has a special place in my heart, but now, he'll get all the attention and love he so rightly deserves <3

As far as Sidekick's development: physically, he's pretty much the same, except he's thinning out a bit ~ eating more food, and less formula.  He doesn't seem to be allergic to anything (so far - knock on wood).  And he can now clap, and wave "Hi" and "Bye".  He's getting more expressive by the minute :D  He's also working on two more teeth (which will be his ninth and tenth respectively), so his sleep is a little all over the place, but eh, we'll be having a newborn around here soon enough again, so I better get used to it haha!  He's still practicing walking, and can do it a little bit if he's holding onto something, but just a few steps at a time.  He can climb stairs, but prefers not to :)

Well, that's a lot of stuff to process, so how about I reward your patience with some pictures to tell the rest?  Scroll on down, click on the thumbnails, and enjoy 152 pics (if my counting isn't off) of our family's life as we enter a whole new phase.  Pretty soon, we'll be heading in the two under two of family life!  Let the adventure begin!!

Sidekick sleeping in all sorts of way (hey, so long he's comfortable right?).
Playing with Anubis, and lounging with HeroPapa and a good book.

Sidekick being held by Grandma #1, and having breakfast at Denny's with Grandma #1, 
Uncle #2 & #4, as well as us parents.  Then lounging with a bottle in the booth, and on
HeroPapa, before we went to visit ValleyFair (though I couldn't ride anything, being pregnant, boo!)

Just striking a few poses with HeroMama (including a now infamous toe pop) :)

First two pics (top left), are at Verizon.  Two pics (top right), are eating the BrainQuest box ;)
And I love all his leg poses lately ~ so here's a few examples :)

I love his "Whatcha' looking at Ma?!" look at the top right there, and what a funny pose at 
the bottom left, right?  Middle bottom, is him chewing on his excersaucer, and then a 
milky face in the carseat, before posing with HeroPapa

Did I mention Sidekick loves to pose? 
Also, he can go from happy to sad quite quickly!
And that last right, bottom right pic, is him eating some jerky for the first time :)

Here we at Buca ~ and the top right pic is funny, because he looks like, "All the food is for me?!"
The first pic on the bottom left, is him smashing the food in his face - and the next two pics, 
are him trying an ice cream for the first time . . . and looking like he's plotting something ;)

More posing!  And pulling himself up ~ I like how HeroPapa taught him how to stick out his
tongue and blow some raspberries ;)  The top right pic is me trying to show off his "monkey butt" pants, and the one right under, is him posing again, in funny positions.  The bottom three, are him 
trying some chocolate that he was eying (I love Anubis' smile there!), and the last one, is him smiling with a little know it all face haha.

Sidekick really loves utensils for some reason (not complaining, since hey it's cheap!).  In the photo
he's got at least three around him haha.   The next top three images, are the bat nest! *gasp*
Bottom left, is Sidekick ready to fight the power it seems . . . before lounging with HeroPapa, 
and trying to figure out how a fan works.  And then crawling all over HeroPapa in the play area to get to his phone.

These are all pretty self explanatory, except the one on the bottom left:
that's Sidekick watching some Brokeback Mountain with me, while I try to eat some lunch.

Here's Sidekick being a little contortionist.  And lounging with HeroPapa.
Bottom left, is riding in a car buggy at Lowe's, middle, is him in his monkey pj's.
Bottom right pics are his play area at Oma's, and cuddling with Opa <3

Snuggling with HeroPapa, and having fun with mirrors at Kohl's.
Then enjoying a breadstick, before chilling in his car.
Bottom left pics are trying to eat the shower curtain, and the look he gave,
when he realized he got caught!  Bottom right pics are visiting with Uncle #3 at the dentist's.

Top left pic, is him chewing a corner off the waiting room book :O
Then watching some "Stuart Little", with Uncle #3 at the dentist.
Top right pic is the family cat who now snuggles on my belly all the time, because somehow, she knows I'm pregnant :)
Bottom left, Sidekick concentrating really hard on a toy (HeroPapa captions this one, "Mr. Jowls")
Bottom right pics, are HeroPapa and Sidekick relaxing together (and Sidekick getting nice and tired!)

Sidekick and Uncle #3 enjoying some playtime together.  Top right, sleeping in the car.
Middle right, static electricity in the cart.  And Uncle #2 sliding with Anubis at the park.
Bottom left, posing with toys.  Bottom right, posing with HeroPapa.  And relaxing with Anubis.

Baby Storytime is back!  And so are the funny poses :D

My first time with repeat pics - sorry!  But there's a few more here, too ;)


Here's the day of the accident: including the top right, taken just an hour before.
Bottom left, view from the ambulance, of my Mom's (bigger) car.  
Middle is my worst bruise - my knee.  And bottom right two, are Sidekick 
playing with my crutches (which luckily I only had to use for two days), at the dr.'s for the NT scan

Sidekick is loving all things cars and wheels :D
So we got him this car used for $20.  What a bargain!
I plan on painting it Superman colors asap :)

Pretty self explanatory ;)

Top left, shopping in pj's, and doing his bashful head tilt on shoulder pose.
Top right, being funny with a pitcher.  Middle left, at the bank with us ~ then more storytime.
Bottom left, back at the doctor's to make sure leg is healing right.  Then some Olive Garden, 
where he loved all the food, even salad (though meat is still his fave).  Then passed out in the car :)

Sidekick shopping for his new car seat, though he is not as impressed as the baby behind him ;)  Another sleep pose, because I can't resist!  Bottom left pics, are him relaxing at Buffalo Tap, and eating a coaster?!  Top right, at IHOP with HeroPapa, and then posing with HeroMama the next day, to send pics to HeroPapa: we miss him!

Hope you enjoyed the latest update, and don't forget to check up on 
Sidekick's progress so far (link opens up in new window) if you haven't had a chance to yet :)

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