My big boy is now one year old! This is such an exciting time for our family ~ not only did we celebrate his birthday (and mine, the day before). But we moved out of the bat apartment, and have put down a deposit for a brand new set of lofts, still under construction. We are praying that everything falls into place (there's no reason to suspect otherwise, but I don't tend to count my eggs before they hatch). Either way, things are definitely changing, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. After all, I'm nineteen weeks pregnant now - almost halfway done, there's another move (next Thursday!) on the horizon, and then our nine year anniversary in December - six married, nine together. Wow!

But come on, you just want some pics, right?! Here's the stats, fresh from Tuesday, because he had a week late appointment for his twelve month checkup: 26.14lbs (96-99% depending on if you look at just weight, or compare it to the length as well), and 31in. tall (84%).
So click the "Read More" link, and check out 73 pictures to see all the ways he's grown (developmentally, physically, and socially) <3 *and don't forget to click on the collages, in order to make them bigger :)
So I tried taking his picture on October 6th (because I like to use those pics for his stat information, but boy was he not having it that morning!). He seemed ready to battle it out, just sitting in Taco Bell (his first time there), but at least he seemed to enjoy the food (when he wasn't practicing his karate moves) :) The next day, we went to Baby Storytime, but for the last two months - he only seems to enjoy books, when he can eat them. Hence, the nickname of Mr. Beaver still holding strong this month, too!
HeroPapa got himself a haricut! He had a long ponytail, but his hair looks fuller now, because it isn't being pulled back. I didn't think I'd like it very much, but I gotta admit, it suits him! Right beside that pic, is Sidekick and me, sharing some smiles before bedtime ~ isn't he just adorable? The two top pics on the right side, are poor HeroPapa, Uncle #2, and Sidekick lounging in the driveway . . . with HeroPapa more like passed out :P He works nights, and this was during his usual sleeptime, so he was really, really tired. Then on the bottom there, is a pic of Sidekick and Opa - then Sidekick and a new friend who is only two weeks younger than him (it's rare to find a baby bigger than Sidekick, but this one was!). And finally the bottom right pic, is Sidekick enjoying his sippy cup and baby puffs (he really likes garden tomato flavored ones). My big boy is growing up, since he doesn't really need the bottle except at naps and bedtime :)
Top two left
pics, are us back at Storytime, and Sidekick really wanting some of the
toys for playtime afterwards (love his reach there in that second
shot). Middle pic, is my baby looking cute as he stares inside the baby
store. And the final three pics are us at the apple orchard, where
they had a small array of pumpkins, and a wagon for us to pose Sidekick
in for these cute shots :)

The candle on the left, was lit on October 15th in honor of our Angelbaby Rowan, as part of the Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day (click here to learn more - link opens in new window). The reason we chose a sweet pea scented candle, was because though I was pregnant for about ten weeks, our baby did not measure more than six and a half weeks (no one knows if his/her heart beat longer though). But the size of our baby, was the size of a sweet pea. HeroPapa and I reflected on our loss, and thanked God for our blessings - both for Sidekick and the baby growing inside me right now <3
The picture underneath it, is HeroPapa painting his used toy push wagon, in Superman colors - though you'll have to wait to see why ;) The two pics on the upper right, are Sidekick enjoying the Baby View app on the Kindle (we have a lot of their YouTube videos), but the app works even without an internet connection, which can be a lifesaver some days! And finally, the bottom row is trying on a monkey hat at Walmart - which we bought with the matching gloves, thinking he'd like it, but this is about the only time he's worn the hat willingly! Next time, I'm buying something with a string for under the chin lol. And then of course, he was busy charming the lady at the register, with his little lean overs - and then he looked about as bored as could be while waiting for us to pay . . .
Top Row is Sidekick giving us some cute smiles - and showing off his chubby little toes :D Bottom Row, left, is Uncle #3 trying to help his nephew out by giving him a lot of his own toys . . . and instead kind of burying him in them instead! Then the other two pics, on the right, show Oma's birthday gift to him (given to him early), a fancy little walker - too bad, he was more interested in chewing on it . . . on his tiptoes lol.

Top pic is Sidekick in the play area at Oma's, with Uncle #2 and Uncle #3 <3 Then more Baby Storytime . . . where he preferred to chew on things again ;) And smiling around with Oma. And lastly, a pic of Sidekick and me, lounging together, all smiles as usual :D
The above
collage, is us at the Midtown Market in Minneapolis ~ definitely an
awesome place to check out for foreign foods, but I got excited about
the indoor play area: though Sidekick only seemed eh about it :P (especially towards the end, when he kind of just sank out of the car lol!)

Left two top
pics, are Sidekick and HeroPapa playing on the Kindle in the dark ~ with
the middle one, showing him playing with it in the playarea. The top
middle pic, shows Uncle #3 trying to help out again, by making a tray of
Cheeze It's for a snack . . . using tubberware ;) Top right pic, is
Mr. Sidekick all smiles during a snack - and bottom left pic is Sidekick
playing in his sleep sack (I love how it trails behind him, like a
bridal train). The last pic on the bottom, is another meeting with the
MN moms, where we got to see some old friends - all born within a two
week span of one another :) Aren't they just the cutest?

Top left pic, is
snuggles with HeroPapa just before Halloween ~ where two days before, we
arrived at Baby Storytime, for a costumed themed event of fun, with
Sidekick dressed up as Superman - complete with a newly painted Superman
car (though we forgot the decal of the Superman logo for his hood!).
After a really nice time with other costumed friends, we headed home to
Oma's to play, but it looked like he was pretty done with the day, and
falling asleep right then and there, bent over his toys.

Top left pic, is Sidekick playing in the empty bedroom of our old apartment - so long bat cave! Which must have tired him out on the way home . . . or that was just the start of his illness. Yup, on the evening of All Hallows Eve, he woke up wheezing and coughing, and seemingly too pain to swallow. So guess who took him to the ER at midnight, to make sure he didn't somehow swallow something that wasn't passing? Yup, HeroMama to the rescue! Luckily it turned out to be just a bad viral infection, and he had a chunk of mucus stuck in his throat. It took a few days (and made it's way through the house to the rest of us), but it's only the second time he's been sick in a year - so yay for strong babies! And finally, the two pics of me on the right are my small baby bump :)
After Sidekick was feeling a bit better, we brought out some old Halloween candy and he got to have his first taste of M&M's. He seemed curious but indifferent at first, as he inspected them, but very quickly finished them off lol. The top pic on the right, is Sidekick giving me some smiles playing in his sleepsack during an unusual 2AM I'm-just-wake-Mama evening. Luckily, playtime tired him out, after 45 minutes ;) Bottom left pic, is HeroPapa swinging Sidekick around, which made him laugh like crazy! Middle pic, is Sidekick enjoying his first sucker (another leftover piece of candy, this time from the gas station attendant), and last pic on the right was Sidekick lounging with Oma, and looking all cute - but he noticed me real quick, so his head shot up to see what I was doing :)
And now for the grand finale! Here's Sidekick on his birthday, his very first one <3 We went to Babies R Us, and he got a sucker, a red balloon, and a birthday crown (which he was kind enough to wear just long enough for us to be able to snap a few pics). Then we went to Olive Garden, and we got a chocolate mouse dessert with a candle to sing him Happy Birthday. I love his reach for the candle in the middle, and the one where he's cautiously trying it out . . . and then the smile at the end after he was all done :D
Our beautiful, amazing boy, is now one year old, and I can't wait to see what's waiting around the corner for our blessing! We love you baby <333
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