Monday, July 8, 2013

Eight Months

Stats of the Month: weight 24.2 lbs. & height 28in.
Nickname: Drooly
Traits: Explorer + Napstriker

Our theme this month?  Storytimes, socials, and Slithering (nope, not that one Hogwarts house Slytherin, but slithering, as in - he's mobile!)  At first, I was just going to share how he can move around in circles, on his belly like a snake; but in the last three days he has now added: getting in the crawling position, pulling up in his crib (which we lowered two weeks ago) onto his knees, and taking a few steps when you hold him by the hands.  Oh, and he also cut two teeth in two days.  To use the cliche, "Slow down kid", doesn't seem to do all these developments justice.  I'm just grateful he hasn't grown another inch since last month! (though he did gain another pound :P).  


Our other big events this month: we're starting a few socialization outings, though really he doesn't seem to care either way.  He's just as good about playing by himself in a corner, that he is about being in a crowd (or even handled by a lot of family).  But I still feel like he smiles the most at home - just like his Papa :)  Three weeks ago, we made it to our very first storytime at the library, and are so glad to have snagged a spot before it got full.  Combining Sidekick's love of music and books (to drool over), he seems to be enjoying it.  We also got to meet two Minnesota Mom's from my birth month board off of Facebook, two weeks ago.  I am so glad they didn't turn out to be perverts haha!  They were the first online people that I ever met in real life, so I was definitely both excited and nervous, but it was such a joy ~ and we are hoping to meet in about two weeks again :D

Also a big change is the sleeping.  He's going longer and longer without sleep during the day (on the 4th of July, he went a whole nine hours *gasp!*), but he was actually sleeping through the night for three whole days, before we traveled a lot and visited with family so much over the weekend.  I think it was just a lot of excitement (of the good kind), so we'll see how he sleeps tonight, since we pretty much didn't do anything today ;)  So I still have no sleep schedule to work with.  Some days, he's asleep every two hours, some days, he's up for eleven hours straight . . . BUT if that's the only thing I can "complain" about, then I'm pretty darn lucky.  Sure, it's an adjustment, and it'd be nice to have more of a schedule, but really I just feel bad when I either try to put him before he's ready (trying to stick with some sort of consistency day in and day out), or I don't put him down when he seems to need it (like, if he just woke up, and should need a bit more time before having to go back to bed).  But otherwise, he's such a mellow guy, and I'm pretty darn flexible myself, that it really only affects other people who might want to plan something with us (Someone: "Will he need a nap?"  Me: "No idea @__@")

And really that's about it for Sidekick ~ sure, that's a lot of stuff, but this has to be the quickest summary of a month yet!! :P

As for HeroPapa, he's working hard (he even did overtime before the family came up, so he wouldn't have to loose vacation days in August, when we are hopefully *crosses fingers* house shopping).  And, as for me, I've been loosing my baby weight pretty consistently, and have just seven more pounds to go (whoot!).  Also, I've been working hard on trying to save as much money as possible, and have tried my hand at couponing.  I prefer to go the online-coupon-code route (versus cutting coupons), but either way, I've managed to snag a few things for either free, or almost free.  For example?  Managed to get about 380 prints of Sidekick's first five months via Shutterfly for only $28, and a free collage poster featuring 30 images, and I finally got a taggies blanket that I just know he's going to love!  Retail: $29.99 (though Babies R Us has it listed for $12.99, just FYI), my final price (including tax), $4.49.  I also have yet to pay for a Redbox rental (three so far), though we did pay a late fee for the first one, but oh well!  Hopefully I can really help contribute to the money pile for the house <3

So let's move forward to the pics you just know you want to see, right?!  Here they are, all 90 of them :D

Top Row: sitting up in his chair, watching his "We See". Looking cute in his green and red outfits.
Lounging with HeroMama, checking out his family photo book, and reading about monkeys (while playing with one).
And of course, Uncle #2 holding him in the wrap!  Bottom Row: gnawing on blocks in his Halo Sleepsack,
chilling out on his yellow pillow, and realllly chilling out in his chair, listening to some classical music

Top Row: Looking mischievous and playful, and being snuggled by HeroPapa and Father's Day <3
Bottom Row: lounging with HeroMama (bottom is his play area!), middle pic is Sidekick being all
fabulous on HeroPapa.  The wet brown onesie shows the drool!  Being worn by HeroMama, and
looking dapper in his puppy-feet bottoms :)

Top Row: showing off his blue eyes, and not caring about the blanket until he saw tags (that he proceeded to gnaw on)
HeroPapa showing off Sidekick's teeth, and bottom, Sidekick at the movies! (er, glad it was a free showing :P).
Uncle #2 trying to wear him on his back, and then on bottom, trying to carry him au natural (too heavy).
Right side: strange car in Minneapolis @~@ and after not caring for any of his toys (musical,
tablet, kindle, rings), decided he wanted the old plastic bottle would do the trick

Bought an Ergo carrier!  Started weaving his head back and forth <3
Middle: trying to eat Anubis (and suceeding) as he walks by, really upset in his chair (until he turns on the XBOX)
Bottom: looking very serious while he examines a farm animal toy, and looking around the box that we were
hoping would deter him from watching tv while listening to music (no such luck)

Top Row: the library! :D  Middle Row: just looking disgusted by something :P And caught "mid-cackle"
Also, shopping cart pack-n-play haha!  And test driving with HeroPapa afterwards :)  Last pic: reading with Papa <3

HeroPapa having fun with HeroMama's bad habit of leaving tp rolls out, having fun in the laundry basket
and being social with two other November babies at the Mall of America.  Middle row: sleeping in his crib,
Bottom: exploring his blocks box, and resting on a ball, posing with HeroMama 

Top Four: checking out his new swimming pool (not impressed without toys), and did not like clean up
Right side row: playing on the chair, while looking out the window (then being loved on by HeroPapa)
Bottom Left Row: playing in his musical walker (though not too impressed)

Top: trying on his new hat, playing with a word puzzle set, lounging in the living room
and watching "We See" on HeroPapa's iPhone in order to be dressed.  Bottom half: July 4th with the family!
(on the way in the carseat, watching the parade, and his shirt says "All American", with "made with German parts"
written on a strip of duct tape).  Faceplanting against Grandma, and bottom, us and Sidekick on Uncle #4's lap

Grandparents visiting the next day :D  Afterwards, relaxing (and being fed by HeroPapa because he didn't
want to lay down to eat).  And then . . . getting in the crawling position!  The next day, more visitors:
grandparents and HeroPapa's sister (Aunt #1 + One), and walking a few steps (though he was unsure at first)
Having a good time dancing with Grandma, and playing with Aunt #1 + One), and concentrating at a restaurant

Top Left: Mohawk time!   The rest: Great-grandmother's 90th birthday party <3
Lounging with Grandpa in the middle, and later with Aunt #1 + One :)
Then, going for a walk with HeroMama a good bit away (though still couldn't sleep, poor thing!)
Bottom Left Three: multi generational pics <333 and finally, passed out in the car after a long day :)


And that's the Eighth Month recap everyone :D
Hope you enjoyed it, and don't forget to catch up so far 
(by clicking on the info link in the side image to your right)

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