Click "Read More" to see the full post :D
Here's our beautiful big boy, in all his glory, with a little "stat picture" that reads: "Mr. Squeeky" and "Lil' Buddha" (nicknames); gives his six month measurements: 22.8 lbs., and 27.3 in. and shares some traits we've picked up on from this month: * oh-so-serious * bookworm * thumbsucker * gnaws on toes and thumbs :)
We have been super busy this past week and a half, so pics and collages will have to get edited in later, but I'm making it up to you all then (and trying to hold you all over, until pics gets posted), by sharing VIDEO!
Finally, you can see our big boy in action! :D
Part One & Part Two
(each link opens in a new tab, and total length about six minutes. Enjoy!)
Finally (today is the 19th of May - oh boy oh boy!) the collages have been made of the past month. I kept trying to get HeroPapa to watch Sidekick, so I could work on it, but the poor thing was kept pretty busy by us over the last two weeks and was just a little too tired :P
So I stayed up late (HeroPapa had an easier time letting me catch up on sleep the next day), and I sorted through over 500 images (wowza) and got 147 images via collages to share :) And they are all in chronological order!
As always, enjoy <3
(and remember to click to make bigger!)
Top Row: his first day as a five month old! Love his lion outfit,
but he's outgrown it already; and last picture is one of my favs!
Bottom Row: seemingly falling asleep as he eats . . .
(kidding, he's just checking out his autos bib) |
The days of him falling asleep on me are getting rarer and rarer - only twice this month :(
But at least he still loves snuggling me :D I love the middle pic because of the drool bubbles! (which of course is understandable since he now has BOTH his bottom teeth) And the last set is cute, because he stares at a book . . . and then quickly tries to eat it, haha
Top Two: he's not that happy - until he realizes I'm sitting in front of him ;)
Left Side: playing with the mirror, Middle and Right: showing off his new outfit with HeroPapa |
Sidebar: "Yup, I'm the Winni-the-freaking-Pooh"
Top: sitting up (with the blanket) in the cart for the first time
Middle Row: *really* wanting to eat the blanket, and Oma showing him off <3
Bottom: Our little Pooh-bear all pooped out from the day (aw)
(In case you're wondering: purple lips are the Gentian Violet because
he seemed to have a canker sore, but it was gone in one application - so yay!) |
Sidebar Left: sucking on the wrap, Top Middle: chilling out with Opa <3
Bottom Row and Bottom Right: only second time this month he slept on me :) |
Top Row: wearing a cute outfit and playing with his O-Ball, and mirror play on the floor!
Bottom Four collage: during the day he was doing this strange sucking-in-his-bottom-lip thing,
but it wasn't till early the next morning I got the full effect of it ~ in that last one, he looks like
a cabbage patch doll, haha! And the last picture (bottom right), shows off the fuzz of his hair ;) |
Top Row: We packed up our THIRD big box of clothes (this boy keeps getting bigger and bigger!),
but before we did . . . we made a pile for him and through some on him :D He loved it <3
Bottom Left: ready for a shopping trip . . . but (four pic collage) passed out on HeroPapa instead
But those two bottom ones on the right are too cute . . . gnawing on his jacket, and getting caught! |
Top Left: Holding up his head so good, and look, what a cutie!
Top Right: Uncle #1 being super goofy at Uncle #2's birthday luncheon ;)
Bottom Left: Love how his head is surrounded by the pattern on Oma's bed;
Right Collage: "Monkey? What Monkey? . . . I need to free up my hands!"
Bottom Right Pic: giving me some smiles around bedtime :) |
Our BK outing with Uncle #3! Top Left: standing on the counter, tsk tsk
Bottom Left: kisses from Mama, and representing Dad's High School FFA jacket :D
Middle Row: Uncle #3 thought it's be funny to stick a toy in Sidekick's hoodie (baby didn't even notice!)
And of course, after fitting him with a proper crown, they posed together <3
Right Row: He inspects the crown, "This is nice . . . I.MUST.EAT.IT!" |
Top Row: Still preferred reading a book at BK :)
Bottom Row: Did try letting him have some sensory time on the mats,
"I don't really care about this mat . . . but I do want your thumb!" |
Top Row: ah, the dilemma of family photos, two people look, one doesn't :P
Bottom Left: Why yes, that is me, at the very top of the indoor playground with Uncle #3
Middle Pic: I know you can't really see it, but his bib says "Future Whooper Eater" haha
Bottom Right: back at home, and his feet look like he's practicing ballet (I love it) <3 |
Top Left: sitting up, unassisted for the very first time (now he do a few minutes) :D
Top Three: reading one of his favs, so I don't know why he looks so surprised (or suspicious)
Bottom Left: pretending he's a contortionist (or a practicing ballerina), in order to watch tv
Bottom Pic: it happened totally by accident during tummy time, but look at him posing ;) |
The posing does not stop! Top Row: Sidekick and Me lounging (the right picture is
my current FB profile pic, haha). Middle Row: is him sinking in the chair and deciding
to do a few poses. I can't tell if the middle one is "Oh, I'm hot", or "Oh, I'm choking"
But the last one, with the fancy eyebrows reminds me of a James Dean stare :)
And Bottom Pic is at his angle, trying to hide those awesome expressions :P |
Top Row: Our first art project! For reference, I was trying to make a
handprint (I And we used chocolate pudding as an
edible alternative in a pinch (but he waited for a spoon to eat it) ;)
Bottom Left: being all cute with the toes on the playmat and smiles
Bottom Right: he loves eating foam for teething relief (go figure!) |
Top Left: LOVE this pic <3 Top Right: playing with angles :)
Bottom Left: asleep in the car, Bottom Middle: showing off his
doggy hoodie. And Bottom Right: smiles for Oma <3 |
Our first visit to the park! . . . He was not impressed :P
Not on the walk there. Not on the swing. Not on the slide D:
Bottom Pics: goofing around with Uncle #2 (we wanted to
wrap up Mom's car, but she caught us, so I wrapped him up instead.
And then I pushed him over, so he could flap around like a dying fish, haha) |
Top Left: lounging in the church nursery. Top Three: All smiles, and looking
kind of Swedish to me :D Bottom Left: Bathtime sitting up (first time!) and
playing with duckies from Oma. Middle Right: reaching his toes for the first time!
Bottom Right: planking with Papa <3 |
Top Two: checking out his foam cover, board book (look at those cheeks!)
Bottom Right: Stacking the feet. Middle Two: My Mom haircut :D
Bottom Two: Opa time . . . and pic of him as a child (those are Sidekick's ears now!) |
Left and Bottom Middle: Hanging out with Uncle #2, Top Middle: we bought
some hotel chairs at an auction for our new house (whenever that happens :P)
Top Right: all pouty . . . and then crying D: Middle Pic: Uncle #3, holding Sidekick
for the first time (for about a minute!). Bottom Right: Opa holding Sidekick, until he bit him!
(just under that thumbnail is the indentation of his two bottom teeth) |
Left pic: I was in the chuch play about the North Dakota oil boom (LOVED IT!) <3
Right set of images: looking all dapper for Walmart (and yes, those are 24 mo. onesies) :P |
And last (but certainly not least), is his "Not Impressed" Collage. We have a very serious boy on our hands here, and you'd think his spazzy Mom could help him out in that department, but as you can see, it doesn't work too often ;) Add to the fact, that he is quickly jaded, and after laughing a few times at something, it will anymore. These are just a few experiences (don't forget the looks he gave us at the park above, haha!) captured this month of his "Not Impressed" looks:
In Order (from left to right):
Sitting on Papa's Lap . . . not impressed
Sitting on Papa's Lap at the doctor's . . . not impressed!: . . . not impressed
Finding his toes for the first time: . . . not impressed
Sensory play for the first time!: . . . not impressed
Making faces at him: . . . not impressed
Trying out a HUGE futon chair: . . . not impressed
Bathtime with new bath toys!: . . . not impressed
Papa playing footsie: . . . not impres-STOP! |
That's it guys and dolls! Don't forget to check out the progression so far (which now will have it's own main page for easy reference), if you haven't had a chance already. And we'll see this big guy next month :D
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